Our automated approach not only saves micro businesses and solopreneurs valuable time on upskilling, but also eliminates the hassle of scouring multiple sites for solutions, resources, funding, and connections with like-minded owners.
Our simplified step-by-step automation partner guides users along their journey - connecting the dots on what comes next. Bid farewell to static checklists and confusing piles of resources to sift through.
Our customized dashboard monitors progress every step of the way. Set reminders, collaborate with business partners, share docs, and chat with a Virtual Business Coach.
Assess area foot traffic, local income levels by zip code, rental rates in your area, and competitor data.
Filter by industry, city, interests, and many other factors that matter most when understanding your direct competition.
Crowdfund. Partner. Sponsor.
Experience the synergy of doing business with and engaging with other likeminded professionals - to help you grow personally, professionally and financially. Invest in yourself, invest in others.
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Everything in Starter and Blossum, plus:
Automated Journey
Team Workspace
Xchange Network
Cyber Security Report
Access to Xchange Community Network
Crowdfunding Capabilities
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